Blockchain Can Help GMO Free Foods Find A Clear And Transparent Path Forward.
27 Feb 2020

Genetically Modified Foods (GM Foods) are today the normal thing in our modern world. And when you ask people in the street, a majority of them have no idea what is happening and do not care as to what is going into the production of their food or what foods are even affected.
When we look at the reasons as to why Genetically Modified Foods came into existence, it was research started back in the 1960/70 era, that has since progressed from there. It has been promoted over the last 45 years by the big seed production and chemical production companies all over the world, in a market worth billions.
Initially, GMO research was started by small government-funded research stations in the need to help farmers to develop better seed varieties which would create disease control and generate greater returns to the struggling farm sector. The farmer could keep some of his seed from his yearly production to plant the following year, saving the high cost of purchasing a very expensive seed from the big corporate companies. There was never a plan for this research to given control to a few International Corporations, but that’s how it worked out in the end.
It’s a development and continued introduction into everyday society has progressed but this particular avenue has many concerned with the repercussions of tinkering with a food’s genes by genetically mutating the organism and the consequences of such actions to those that consume the product.
The fact that many are completely unaware that they might be consuming GM food is something that be should be explored, given that labeling GM foods and the tracking and testing of these foods have not been deemed necessary to inform the public upon, depending on where you live.
It is also important to remember that these developments in GMO are not all negative, as there is a massive benefit to the farmers in using these GMO seeds in farming production.
With the onset of GMO and the rapid advancement of technology in this field from the 1980’s onwards, there has been a huge value add in the products for farmers with the inclusion of genes from herbicides they have developed insect-resistant crops which almost eliminate the need for herbicides, which is a huge plus for the environment.
There have been massive advances in Africa with the Soy Bean crops and Maize crops which were almost decimated by grubs and insects every year giving the farmers a very small yield per hectare and damaged grains, which farmers had to spray herbicides six to eight times in the growth stages of the crops to get a limited control these infestations, now with the advancement of the genetic modifications of these GMO Seeds the farmers might only have to spray once or twice to have control on these infestations.
The results are quite staggering in the improved yields to the farmers using these GMO seeds, in Nigeria where these tests have been carried out the yields in the beans crops are as much as 800% increase and similar for maize. Where the farmer might have been struggling to get 300 to 400 kilos an acre they now get 3 and 4 tons per acre, and only having to spray crops once or twice, using almost no chemicals which is of huge advantage to the soils, the users and the environment.
It is clear there are both negatives and positives in the production of GMOs throughout the world, which brings a very strong and urgent need for traceability and Proof of Provenance of these crops. This is also of critical importance to the producers, manufacturers, and end-users, for many reasons, including medical, ethical and personal ones.
Within an article that lists the pros and cons, the pros are seen with rose-colored glasses outlining an ideal world if given the chance, the cons shattering those possibilities with each realistic stroke.
“If a person is allergic to soybeans and soybean genetics are infused into the genetically modified corn, then there is an increased risk for that person to suffer from a reaction even though they’re eating a corn product. People who follow the vegetarian lifestyle might not realize that their corn has been infused with pig DNA. There may be cultural, religious, or societal implications to consider these practices as well.” More to the story here
The same article lists the benefits as well, outlining the potential to solve world hunger with larger yields and the possibility to grow through tougher times, the stock would be more resistant to disease and have longer shelf lives. Of course, solving world hunger is a concern and has been for some time, that is, so long as the corporations that have patented the product, find it within their hearts to provide this to the people, and with the below cons looming its ugly head, all those people may just be worse off in the long run. Antibiotic resistance seems like the lesser evil compared to the research that implicates a larger unexplored problem.
“Although the research was retracted, rates that were fed genetically modified corn that was tolerant to a herbicide developed higher rates of cancer and had an increased risk of tumor development and early death compared to rats that were not fed the corn. Problems with the study were found to be numerous, but the study has been republished elsewhere and could be evidence of the dangers of GMO corn.” More to the story here
With the great amount of information on both sides weighing in on what you should do when presented with the opportunity to purchase a product of its likeness, it would seem that at this point, it would be in our hands. With all consumers wielding the ability to make an informed decision about whether or not you would like to consume Genetically Modified Foods.
Unfortunately being informed is not always easy when specific labeling isn’t always required. The information or lack thereof on GM and NON-GM foods isn’t what it could be in today’s market, with many concerned citizens completely unsure of what they are choosing, while the technology and ability to know is most definitely available today, it seems almost negligent that the tech itself has to be introduced.
VeriDoc Global, in particular, has developed and implemented blockchain technology in several avenues allowing its supply chain technology to advance the way we choose food, keeping the people informed so that we can make our own decisions on which we would consume.
The development of VeriDoc Globals blockchain technology and it’s finished supply chain software eliminates all doubts of food origins. Veridoc Globals patented QR code blockchain solution involves embedding a QR code on an item with a unique digital hash inside the QR code. The hash holds a string of information that is then placed on the blockchain network for security, verification, and validation. With change of state technology, each step along the supply chain can be tracked and recorded.
Experience how easy our lives could be by downloading the free VeriDoc Global App from the Play or App Store and try the tech for yourself.
The possibility to see where your corn was grown right down to transportation and arrival of goods. Working with Food Organization and Foundations, you could know for sure what you were buying was true, and that you could see it for yourself.
Working with GMO-Free organizations, websites, and foundations we can build a platform of trust. Tracking, traceability for product location, assurances with GPS time and location stamps and change of state technology (CoS) we can move forward knowing what we purchase is true and verified. Try for yourself with the popcorn and scan both QR codes on the package. The one on the front will take you to the Verified GMO-Free website where you can see company details and verify that the product is GMO-free, all with a simple scan of the QR code. If you scan the VeriDoc Global QR on the back you will see the hash and product information along with the ability to download the Certificate of Compliance. You could be sure the product was GMO-free without a doubt.
The future truly is here and it’s up to us to use it to the best of our ability, we simply need to reach out and take it.
This article was first posted on Medium.