For those that love there pets as much if not more than our humans companions, they hold a special place in our hearts and as such what we feed them and how we keep them health is important. As consumers we have a right to know what goes into the food we give our pets, and also have a way to know if the food we are giving them is safe and hasn’t been recalled.

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Food Solution

Using our free QR reading app on your smartphone, you can scan the QR code on the product and the app will show you the true document produced by the issuer. This allows you to be able to find out an ingredient list, date and location of manufacturing and batch numbers.
It can also tell you if the product has been recalled or is safe. The VeriDoc Global mobile app and the underlying technology can even be ported to the producer of the pet foods own app, so there can be no excuse.

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Food SolutionWHY IS THIS
VeriDoc Global gives pet owners confidence and trust that the food they feed their beloved pets is both safe and nutritious. Using Blockchain software and development to keep our pets safe. Why should pet owners have to wait for change, when there is a blockchain application that already solves the issue.

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Food Solution