Finished Supply Chain Blockchain Solution.
09 Sep 2020

VeriDoc Global has developed a supply chain management software verification system that offers clarity and integrity to supply chains.
This system improves the trust between stakeholders by leveraging one of the key features of blockchain. At its simplest, the data created on the blockchain can’t be edited or deleted. That’s immutability, and blockchain is built upon it, creating a trusted platform like no other.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems worldwide have large gaps in their current product traceability systems, resulting in inefficiencies and counterfeit products. VeriDoc Global Supply Chain Solution looks to correct these inefficiencies.
VeriDoc Global Supply Chain Solution Key Benefits.
- Traceability — The ability to trace a product from the source of origin right through to the sale point.
- Stopping Counterfeits — The ability for consumers to verify that a product is legitimate before purchasing.
- Transparency — Identify any issues in the distribution network quickly.
- Data Analytics — We give Manufacturers the ability to gain insights into who, where, when, and how many times a product is scanned, using Analytics and Big Data.
- Product Recalls- Speed and accuracy in how recalls can be issued quickly at the batch level or individual item level.
To find out more information about VeriDoc Globals Supply Chain Solution. Please visit our product page and click on the link to get started.