Halal Butter Use Case Breakdown.
21 Nov 2019

VeriDoc Global Use Case Breakdown.
Today we look at Halal Butter POC with a simple breakdown and links for download.
VeriDoc Globals finished blockchain-based technology won’t just hold suppliers accountable for the products they advertise but also give confidence in those with special food requirements.
Over the next few months, we will be doing a breakdown of each of our Proof of Concepts and Use Cases which we have completed, and you can test and see how the technology works for yourself.
Our team has put together a breakdown of each that you can download and you're able to scan the QR codes yourself on your smartphone with any free QR reader. You can also download the VeriDoc Global QR Reader for free, with no Ads, from the Play or App store today.
Click here to go directly to the use case without scanning the QR code.
To get more info please visit our website at http://veridocglobal.com