VeriDoc Global Another Step Towards Becoming a Multichain Solution
04 Oct 2018

VeriDoc Global has now launched their verification protocol on the Ethereum Classic testnet. VeriDoc Global aims to give document issuers as many options as possible including the ability to utilise several public and private blockchain networks.
Since announcing a working solution on the Bitcoin testnet and launching on Ethereum mainnet, the integration with Ethereum Classic blockchain will enable users to have more options to choose which blockchains and technology options they want to adopt. This will provide versatility to users as well as future proof their verification data.
The development team are now working on launching multichain capabilities operating simultaneously for Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin testnet and mainnet, with an announcement of including a fourth blockchain, coming soon.
This brings VeriDoc Global one step closer to multichain functionalities, originally scheduled to commence development for Q1, 2020.