VeriDoc Global Product Line - VeriDoc Documents Web App

17 Jun 2020

VeriDoc Global

As part of our ever-increasing product line, we are proud to announce VeriDoc Global Documents Web App. There has been a lot of work put in from the whole team to get our product line up and complete and we are happy with the results.

VeriDoc Documents Web App makes document verification simple for everyone, with no technical knowledge needed to use. We have developed a web-based application to secure documents and manage templates.

VeriDoc Global allows users to verify whether a document is genuine or fake by scanning a QR code on the document.

The web app is a stand-alone solution for document issuers. If they do not have any existing systems or software in place to verify whether or not the document you are looking at is the real, and hasn't been changed or altered. It is a highly versatile application and can also be used to enhance and streamline your existing process and verification.

Some key features include an immediate increase in Trust, Safety, and Security.

Users are guarded against fake documents by reducing risk and eliminating document fraud with our blockchain software solution with data on the blockchain being permanent, secure, and encrypted for the entire process.

Please check out our Developer Tool to access our library of APIs and have your development team try out the solution for themselves.

To get more information please click here.


VeriDoc Global changing the world one document at a time.